Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Saturday March 3, 2012

9AM start time:
for time:
Row 1K
25 double unders
Row 750 m
50 double unders
Row 500 m
75 double unders
Row 250 m
100 double unders

1PM start time:
in 15 min build to a max OHS x 3 from empty bar

5PM start time:
muscle ups
squat snatch - 135#

I felt like my breathing and pace was pretty good, however my ability to hold double unders while fatigued is still below par.  More than anything I experienced local muscular fatigue in the rotator cuff area.

In 15 min, all weights were done for 3 reps
95, 135, 185, 225, 235, 235, 235

First set of Muscle ups got 8 and 1, then 135 squat snatch for 9 pretty good.  Then fatigue and no hip pop didnt allow me to string together any muscle ups so I had to do onsies and twosies.

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