Friday, October 28, 2011

Saturday October 29, 2011

21,15,9 rep rounds for time:
135# squat clean
ring dips
PWO - 30P/60C

I scored a painful 5:10 on this one

part 2:
Bike 90 min @ easy pace flush recovery pace
PWO food

1 comment:

  1. 5:10 Rx. Unfortunately I forgot my Bloggie this morning so I didnt get it on video. Fellow Big Dawg Matt Mo was there to help with some yelling words of encouragement and helping with my kipping rhythm for the RD.
    I started off with both the 21 SC and RD unbroken. The second round of SC was very broken. Instead of handling the weight back down and immediately cleaning in back up, I dropped the weight from shoulder height and quickly got on in. It cost me some time but that allowed me to continue at an even pace. The RD were easier for me. The second round was 10 then 5, and the last round was 5 then 4.
